Avian Flu in raw pet food causes cat death12/28/2024
This is an example of the risks of raw pet foods. Beware.
Article link here Medications and the news12/22/2024
Every so often there will be online chatter about some medication or other killing patients. This time it is Librela. What is going on? Companies perform double blinded clinical trials with a large number of patients. Once it hits the market, there is a system for individuals to report other possible side effects. This system of self reporting is created to possibly catch very rare side effects. I say possible because relation does not mean causation. For example, if Fluffy starts coughing on a Tuesday after watching a movie, you would not blame the Tuesday or the movie. If Fluffy had a pill that morning, it possibly could be the pill but it could be that Fluffy has something else or Fluffy is 18 years old and stuff happens when we all get olzooetis site: der. We often have confirmation bias. So please if you hear about some horrible medication that is killing patients please question it a bit. There has always been misinformation. Now it spread a lot faster. I have done a search in Veterinary Information Network and none of the thousands of veterinarians in the group nor ourselves have noted any horrible side effects. It has helped quite a large number of dogs to continue pain free from arthritis and able to walk. For information on reported issues please look at Zooetis site.
Yes! This is an extremely dangerous bacteria that infects the kidneys and is very contagious to people. Dogs normally become infected after drinking water or stepping on a puddle that is infected with urine of infected rodents or raccoons.
Click here for a fact sheet from the CDC Beware of Xylitol poisoning10/25/2024
Xylitol / Birch sugar is an an artificial sweetener often found in sugar free gum and also in some yogurts, peanut butter and childrens’ medications. It has been found to be of benefit in sugar free gum in that it prevents cavities. In pets it EXTREMELY TOXIC. It causes a severe low blood sugar level within 30 mins and liver failure by the next day. It is becoming common and causing death in mostly dogs. Please do not have this in your home and let others know. ALSO KEEP HANDY PET POISON CONTROL (they charge a fee but have excellent info and well worth it): (888) 426-4435 (24 hours a day / 365 days a year). FEBRUARY DENTAL SPECIAL2/4/2024
![]() Proper dental care is an extremely important part of your pet’s overall health. Dental Disease is the most common health issue of pets today; it affects 85% of cats and dogs over 4 years of age. Many forms of dental disease exist below the gum line and are not detectable without a thorough cleaning under anesthesia. Untreated infections of your pet’s teeth and gums can lead to abscesses, heart, liver or kidney disease Common Signs of Oral Health Problems:
***DENTISTRY discount of $150 off anesthetic dental cleanings during the month of February***
Canine Respiratory Outbreak11/25/2023
Canine respiratory outbreak- There have been news reports regarding hotspots of outbreaks of respiratory infections in dogs in which a small number have been serious enough to result in fatal pneumonia. Most of the cases have been reported in Oregon, Colorado and New Hampshire and some cases in California. We have not experienced any uptick in respiratory illness in dogs at this time. We will keep you posted. A recommendation is to keep all dogs updated on their Bordetella and canine influenza vaccines since those are two respiratory infections that we do have vaccinations for. You can avoid large group gatherings of dogs at this time.
Download your Pet Wellness App Now11/25/2022
Our new app let's you send text messages to our staff, book appoinments online from your phone any time, request medication refills and access to your pet's records. All from your phone or computer any time anywhere. Download Now
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