This is in Centigrade so
Artificial grass in shade 34.1C is 93.4F Artificial grass in sun 62.3C is 144.1F Real grass in shade 27.8C is 82F Real grass in sun 38.1C is 100.6F[0]=68.ARC8EIxjnhElDE7gcMd2Mo5m2gE0P9CHcyUZrBgxf9iR9GDeXDoVx88YoEJ4b7Um-ZSNTqcM3Ybo41c1wTiSLWgDisB6_JTb6ayNoK55GDuVsB7MJa5GRpHOUZlSauNp5-QyTdd3fe-AuDOyd27sxDqsMl_qFBBK0-Fxzn_dJAt0eSWrIa52j41687qGDJfGWJaWnyGRsK0INYMdH4VBsvSw_36-zTlyaIJQlDg-s_3PuGEMfwZfF29TXheIFqrHhnZ8Y94C5LADSt9l5pl3YHr5H-KytXZJ0WR1iVDQpsQVNl-axtxMqr-piYiY92dXoiwlREkk9J6Gj7xqLvcD We have been open regular hours7/6/2020
We have been open the regular hours of 9am-6pm Monday through Friday and 8:30am to 12:30pm Saturdays. We are following the CDC and San Mateo County Health Dept policies very strictly. Only patients are allowed inside the hospital. We all wear masks and keep 6 feet distance. We have no sick employees come to work and ask that clients let us know if have signs or tested positive for COVID-19. We want to be able to stay open for our patients without interruption.
Peninsula Ave Veterinary Clinic
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