Recommended Exams and ProceduresAnnual Exam: Pets age rapidly in a year and so yearly exams are advisable. In geriatrics over 10 years of age, it is recommended twice a year.
Annual Fecal Exam: For health of the pet and the family exposed to them. Roundworms can be passed on to people, especially children. Tapeworms are easily acquired when pets consume fleas on their coat. Annual Heartworm test and preventative care: Heart worms live in the heart and are transmitted by mosquitoes. Flea and tick prevention: Fleas and ticks both can transmit diseases and fleas are a common cause of skin allergies. Neutering and Spaying: Recommend around at 5 months of age, before reach puberty. Females spayed before first heat cycle reduce mammary cancer risks by 99%. Neutered males have fewer prostate problems and reduction in incidence of inguinal hernias. Geriatric panel: As dogs reach their senior years, around 8-10 years of age, blood and urine tests are recommended once or twice a year. Microchip and Pet Tags: Microchips and pet tags are recommended so pets can be found and owners can be contacted. |
VaccinesRabies vaccine: Required for health and licensing too. At 4 months of age, then a year later, then every 3 years. Core vaccine.
DHPP vaccine: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus- Administer one year after puppy series (every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks old, then a year later, followed by every 3 years. Core vaccine per UC Davis. Leptospirosis vaccine: Disease acquired when contact with infected rodent or raccoon urine. Initially two doses 2-4 weeks apart and then yearly. Core vaccine per UC Davis. Bordetella vaccine: Bordetella is a cough they can get from other dogs and required by groomers and boarding. Single dose yearly. Canine Flu vaccine: Flu to guard against outbreaks and some boarding places require it. Initially two doses 2-4 weeks apart and then yearly. |
Everyday Care and Information
Well balanced commercial food and measure amount recommended on label and increase or decrease as needed to gain or lose weight. There are a multitude of excellent brands. Science Diet and Royal Canin are two highly nutritious foods. Science Diet Oral Care has the added benefit of cleaning teeth as they eat.
Training and exercise are crucial for their mental well being. Dogs want to please. Keep consistent positive reinforcement since they do not learn when upset during punishment. Find reasons to reward. Redirect to correct behavior and then reward. Also work on getting them used to being touched and handled, going to the vet and taking medications from you. See Fear Free Visits Start At Home
Dental care
Brush daily (see video)- can keep the flavored toothpaste next to the leash and brush for a minute prior to evening walk so it is accepted as something to look forward to. We also recommend Oravet chews treats, Hill's T/D diet food for tartar control or Science Diet Oral Care.
Dog Bite Prevention
Train so not guard food and socialized around other dogs and people.
Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is helpful for unexpected expenses.
Well balanced commercial food and measure amount recommended on label and increase or decrease as needed to gain or lose weight. There are a multitude of excellent brands. Science Diet and Royal Canin are two highly nutritious foods. Science Diet Oral Care has the added benefit of cleaning teeth as they eat.
Training and exercise are crucial for their mental well being. Dogs want to please. Keep consistent positive reinforcement since they do not learn when upset during punishment. Find reasons to reward. Redirect to correct behavior and then reward. Also work on getting them used to being touched and handled, going to the vet and taking medications from you. See Fear Free Visits Start At Home
Dental care
Brush daily (see video)- can keep the flavored toothpaste next to the leash and brush for a minute prior to evening walk so it is accepted as something to look forward to. We also recommend Oravet chews treats, Hill's T/D diet food for tartar control or Science Diet Oral Care.
Dog Bite Prevention
Train so not guard food and socialized around other dogs and people.
Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is helpful for unexpected expenses.